About Us


The mission of Neighborhood Meals on Wheels is to provide nutritious, well-balanced meals to the aged, convalescent and handicapped in our township without regard to race, religion, creed, nationality or economic need.  Since its inception in 1974, Neighborhood Meals on Wheels has grown steadily in Upper Merion township, Montgomery County, PA, both in the number of patrons we serve and in the number of volunteers needed to keep the organization running smoothly.

This non-profit organization operates each and ever weekday, fifty-two weeks each year.  Our paid staff is limited to a part-time coordinator, working twenty-two hours weekly, who organizes the daily tasks.  The coordinator takes calls from our patrons, organizes delivery routes, and enlists the help of ten volunteers daily who pack and deliver hot and cold meals for nearly fifty patrons each day.


The Board of Directors of Neighborhood Meals on Wheels is comprised entirely of volunteers.  Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 P.M. Meetings convene at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

The annual meeting of the entire Board of Directors is held on the second Tuesday of February.

The Neighborhood Meals on Wheels Board does not meet in July or August.

Each year, on the second Tuesday in May, we honor our volunteers at a luncheon which is held in the fellowship hall of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.